lørdag den 31. marts 2012


You're so nice to me.. I don't deserve it.. It just proves to me that I wanna hold you close, and be by your side forever. I need you in my life, this days without really talking with you was painful. I did something awful, and you just keep on being nice to me. I wanna travel the world with you, bring you to all my favorite places and show you my beautiful world. But hey, anywhere is fine, as long as I'm with you <3

Saying "I love you" is hard, and it came so easy before. I made our world grind, but I hope I can fix it. I don't want you to be scared of me, scared that we'll break everything. It's okay, I'm the only one falling, and I'll do it for you. I don't want you to feel the same pain and confusion. I know you wanna handle things on your own, but please, let me take this fight and leave you wounds that'll scar you.

I even saw a show where the same thing happened, and I saw how much she broke. I don't want this to end so hard, so I'll stop now, pull the handbrake and tie my body down. I care so much about you, and I want all the best for you. Pursue your dreams, and I'll try my best to stay by your side and follow you if you want me to. Travel over lands and cross the ocean, all for you. So please let me stay by your side. Let me be your friend forever and ever, in this cruel reality..

mandag den 19. marts 2012


"They break your heart
they steal your soul
take you apart
and yet they somehow make you whole..."

Jeg fandt lige min gamle mappe med sange fra Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde <3

søndag den 18. marts 2012

Fresh eyes

Well, I still stab myself sometimes. But the good thing is that the blade is covered in paralyzing venom, and slowly my feelings go to sleep. And as long as I get my sleep, it shouldn't be a problem.. I know you don't trust me that much anymore, and I hate it. But when all I have left is care for you, maybe we can build it up again. I don't want you to be tense when I touch you, so I'll try and keep my hands to myself, even if I know that the lust to stroke your hair or shoulder is going to kill me. I'll try my best, so please don't get mad at me. If you make me sad, I'll only hurt myself, so feel free to do so, just let me stay by your side. I know it's pathetic and desperate, but I don't know what to do without you in my life. Conventions won't be the same, cosplaying would mean nothing and I have so much stuff that'll remind me of you everyday. In my wallet, in my bed, on my phone, on my shelf and probably many other places.
I'm tired, I know I should sleep instead of writing this, but I need to get it out. Like when I write a sms for you and just save it on my phone instead of sending it. I have a lot of those, sadly. But I don't wanna push my feelings on you, I just want you to be happy. And I know you have a lot on your mind right now, so don't mind me, help yourself first. But I'll be right here to help you if you want, so feel free to write anytime. You once said that I'm easy to read, and I'll admit that my feelings are hard to control when I'm with you. Which means that you'll see everything, joy, sadness, disappointment and maybe even love. I smile every time you write me, and I bet some people would say that I'm too much.
But hey, I love you, what more do you want?

torsdag den 15. marts 2012


Det var for naivt at tro at jeg bare kunne give slip.. Jeg kommer til at køre det hele i sænk, undskyld...

tirsdag den 13. marts 2012


When I see you, I smile.
When I'm near you, I feel my heart skip a beat.
When I touch you, I want more.
When you sit down next to me, I wanna kiss you.
When you touch me, I don't want you to stop.
When you don't stop me, I can't control myself.
When you stand in front of me, I fall in love again.
When you are far away, I miss you.
When you talk to others, I get jealous.
When you kiss me, I feel like heaven.
When you say you love me too, I don't know what to do...


Det var en fantastisk weekend i dejligt selskab. Jeg tog til Roskilde efter skole for at mødes med Linda, og vi tog ud på Ro's torv. Vi gik i Gamestop og snakkede lidt med Brian, og købte 5 spil for 90,- 8D Til sidst gik vi i føtex og købte lidt slik og juice, og så satte vi os ned i Food Court og snakkede. Da Line skrev at hun var der, besluttede vi os for at gemme os, så vi dukkede ned bag sædet og gemte os. Da vi kigger op er der en lille dreng på sædet ved siden af der springer op og råber "Bøh!" og skræmmer livet af os begge to xD
Vi gik op og flød lidt i en sofa, og blandende en masse slik. Så gik vi ind og grinede vores røv i laser, især fordi pigerne nede foran skreg helt vildt xD
Bagefter tog vi hjem til mig og så de to første Resident Evil-film, eller, Line gjorde, vi faldt lidt i søvn xD
Lørdag så vi The Exorcism of Emilie Rose, og så stjal vi Grethe for at køre op til Line, da hun skulle arbejde søndag. Vi dansede til Lines Yu-Gi-Oh cd'er, og holdt alt for meget fest, det blev godt nok varmt, men det var super hyggeligt xD
Søndag tog Line på arbejde, og Linda og jeg sad og chillede inde i stuen og så "Julie og Julia" en film baseret på en reklame om smør 8D Vi gik ned til at outlet og kiggede lidt på tøj, og så gik vi ned i Super Best for at drille Line, og sneg os som ninjaer gennem reolerne og ned så vi kunne sige hej til hende. Vi fulgte hende lidt som kyllinger, hjælp med brød og kasser, og fik lov til at komme ned i den hemmelige kælder, totalt VIP altså 8D
Vi gik hjem og hyggede lidt, inden vi kørte Grethe ned og hentede Line, og så hyggede vi og så film indtil jeg var nødt til at køre klokken 23, hovsa xD

Det var en helt særlig ting der gjorde weekenden god, men det kan være ligemeget her. I wanna fuck like rabbits again soon guys 8D